When you picture a farmer, are they a woman?
CABI has today published a briefing, Empowering female farmers – Gender responsive programming, which is an overview of gender inequality in agriculture, its challenges and impacts, and how CABI is working to address these through its projects and implementation now and in the future.
Watch key moments from the Gender Equality in Tourism Symposium
This post was originally published by Equality in Tourism, find the original article here. Great news! If you missed our symposium in September last year, you can now watch the recordings. We’ve got plenty for you to choose from.
Women Authors with an Impact – Academic Book Week 2018
2018 marks a hundred years since women were given the right to vote. The implementation of SDG number 5, ‘Gender Equality’, which came into force in 2016 shows how far we have come in our progress towards giving women equal rights a hundred years since. What we now have to show for this call to action is nothing short of a social landmark, with more women in higher paid roles and senior positions, meaning women subsequently have more of a voice in decision-making units. This week we are celebrating our female authors who have proven that we are heading in the right direction towards giving women a voice of authority in some countries.