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Writing a good title is the best way to improve your paper
November 9, 2021
Bruce Kirchoff
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The titles of scientific papers are often ineffective. Such titles introduce the subject of the paper but fail to tell the reader the main finding. They only draw the interest of those who already work in the same area, and do not engage wider interest. Fortunately, it is easy to correct these problems, engage your…
Searching made easy with CAB Thesaurus
June 16, 2021
Debbie Chessell
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Ever known exactly what you want to find, but not quite getting the results you desire? As an organization with over 100 years of scientific research experience behind us, we know your pain. That’s why we created CAB Thesaurus, our digital indexing tool designed to help researchers quickly navigate through millions of subjects to find…
3 fast ways to find super-specialized research
June 10, 2021
Debbie Chessell
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We all know that essay deadline dread; you’ve got a rough idea, no clue where to find the right research, and less and less time to get everything (citations included) sorted. Never fear, CABI’s here! In this blog, we share our 3 top tips for finding super-specialized research, super-fast. Ditch Google Scholar, databases are your…
Keeping in touch: Digital technology and life in the time of Coronavirus
April 15, 2021
Ivy O’Neil, Ruth Cross
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The development of digital technology has been rapid in recent decades as we step into the 5G/6G internet network generation. This technology has been particularly useful during the Covid-19 pandemic, when self-isolation and social distancing have been imposed on many people at different times. Various lockdowns have resulted in the increased use of digital means…
COVID vaccine: to jab or not to jab
March 30, 2021
Ruth Cross, Sally Foster
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In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination has been hailed as the light at the end of the tunnel. However, even though the UK is one of the top countries in the world for the number of vaccinations doses administered, there is mistrust and suspicion about the safety of the vaccine and the intentions…
Top 10 most downloaded CAB eBooks of 2020
February 25, 2021
Kelly Snell
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For many students, 2020 was their most challenging yet – if not in terms of subject matter, then almost certainly in terms access to study materials. With many students working remotely, away from the convenience of campus and the university library, eBooks became more important than ever before. During the global pandemic, we saw the…
Will we eat? Dealing with the impact of food shortages
October 1, 2020
John McClintock
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Food shortages are a continuous problem around the world - to deal with them, should countries simply ensure they have a reserve of food? Then why do we still see food crises?
A lesson in ‘resilience’: realities and misconceptions
July 2, 2020
Brian Walker
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Resilience is about changing in response to a disturbance; changing the ways parts of the “system” are connected, emphasizing some and de-emphasizing others. It’s the capacity to absorb disturbance and re-organize to keep functioning in the same way.
Building a new world
April 10, 2020
Lawrence Alderson
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Lawrence Alderson is the author of The Quest to Conserve Rare Breeds, to be published by CABI in August 2020. Dealing with the immediate and urgent challenges posed by Covid-19 understandably dominates the news channels. It demands priority. A threat of such global severity has not been encountered in living memory, unless you can remember…
Preparing for a pandemic
March 13, 2020
Jennifer Cole
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Now is not the ideal time to be giving Health Emergency Preparedness and Response its first reading. Co-edited by Chloe Sellwood, NHS England’s National Lead for Pandemic Influenza (for which read: any serious infectious disease), the idea for this book sprang up during the 2009-10 Swine Flu pandemic, and came to fruition following the 2014-15…
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