CABI’s Central and West Asia office is working hard to help ensure greater food security and more prosperous livelihoods in Pakistan including helping farmers produce higher and more profitable cotton yields as part of the Better Cotton Initiative
In this video special Dr Babar Bajwa, CABI’s Regional Director – Central and West Asia, talks about CABI’s work towards helping partners achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals – including ‘Zero Hunger’ and ‘No Poverty’ – in Pakistan. This includes reaching out to smallholder farmers with expert advice on integrated crop and pest management practices so they are better equipped to grow more and lose less to crop pests and diseases. This is true not only for ‘cash crops’ such as cotton but also fruit and vegetable plantations as part of a wider need to strengthen links in the food value chain.
Video – Dr Babar Bajwa talks about CABI’s work in Pakistan
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46wBrcIWd0I&w=560&h=315]
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Video information/credits
Thanks to Umair Safdar & Mohsin Jamal for the compilation, design and recording.
Find out more about CABI in Pakistan from the centre page on CABI.org
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Producing better cotton in Pakistan
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