instance, after reading John Bradshaw, Alexandra Horowitz and Mark Derr it became
clear to me that my thinking about my own dogs and dogs in general was far from
complete or fully developed.
I Jack Russell my motivations were
driven by something more than simply capturing a sense of likeness. Something
more akin to Barth’s concept. In a wonderful precise and short essay titled
‘Dogs’ Robert Adams [1] beautifully
describes various relationships between artists and their dogs. Two sentences in
particular resonate.
depends on there being affection in its creator's life, and an artist must find
ways, like everyone else, to nourish it. A photographer down on his or her
knees picturing a dog has found pleasure enough to make many things possible.'
live by curiosity and enthusiasm, qualities readily evident as inspiration in
dogs. Propose to a dog a walk and its response is absolutely yes.'
The bond between creative enterprise, artistic
interpretation and the sciences are re-bonding and revealing new insights.
Research into the relationship between the dog and human is set to continue – we should all keep our nose to the
blogosphere and bookshelf to help fully understand the dog and human world.
[1] Robert Adams: Why People Photograph: Selected Essays and Reviews, Aperture (1994)
Andy Hughes January 7. 2013-01-07
Andy Hughes will join John Bradshaw author of Behaviour of the Domestic Cat and In Defence of Dogs at Blackwell's Bookshop, Broad Street in Oxford on Wednesday 16 January 7:00pm for a talk on 'Why Cats and Dogs are Different'.
If you can't attend the event join in the discussion at twitter on Friday 11 January 4-6pm using the following hashtag #catvsdog
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