Women are not just farmers’ wives: overcoming stereotypes of women in agriculture

female farmer in Ghana
For International Women’s Day, CABI’s Gender Coordinator, Bethel Terefe, looks at why women are often not considered farmers in their own right, despite the significant contribution they make to agriculture. I was recently listening to a farmer focus group in Ghana. It became clear that few attendees saw the women as farmers, not even the…
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CABI podcast

Welcome to the CABI podcast, a series dedicated to agricultural science and how it can improve lives and address the challenges faced by people around the world.
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Overcoming obstacles to traditional African vegetable production for a strengthened food system

The Power on your Plate summit recently took place in Arusha, Tanzania. This important pan-African event explored the role of traditional African vegetables in diversifying and strengthening food systems, reducing poverty, energising industry and improving health and income across Africa. During the summit, speakers considered ways in which obstacles can be overcome to boost traditional…
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Social norms: why women farmers might not be getting ahead despite development support

Project team members visiting farming community in Muzaffargarh to know the knowledge and skills of vegetable farmers.
On International Women’s Day, Bethel Terefe, Gender Coordinator, CABI takes a look at gender-related social norms and how they affect women’s futures in agriculture. Women play an important role in agriculture. Although they rarely control decision-making on family farms, women constitute 43% of the global agricultural workforce and are an undeniable asset to the sector.
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“It’s science that solves problems”

I love science because it allows me explore my dreams. Agricultural science is about finding solutions for farmers, helping them reduce diseases in their fields and increase their yields so that they lose less and gain more.
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When you picture a farmer, are they a woman?

CABI has today published a briefing, Empowering female farmers – Gender responsive programming, which is an overview of gender inequality in agriculture, its challenges and impacts, and how CABI is working to address these through its projects and implementation now and in the future.
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Women Authors with an Impact – Academic Book Week 2018

2018 marks a hundred years since women were given the right to vote. The implementation of SDG number 5, ‘Gender Equality’, which came into force in 2016 shows how far we have come in our progress towards giving women equal rights a hundred years since. What we now have to show for this call to action is nothing short of a social landmark, with more women in higher paid roles and senior positions, meaning women subsequently have more of a voice in decision-making units. This week we are celebrating our female authors who have proven that we are heading in the right direction towards giving women a voice of authority in some countries.
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