Be (a)ware…

This week in the UK is National Salt Awareness Week 2007! Not that you’d notice it. Compared to the Food Standards Agency (FSA) high-profile campaigns of recent years that have included billboards and TV advertising, the Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH), who organised this initiative, seem to be playing it fairly low key.…
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‘Obese people like chewing’

While Professor Steve Bloom’s statement on BBC Radio 1’s ‘news’ this morning did at least see me giggling into the office this morning (it’s Monday, so well done, Prof. Bloom!), it did strike me that his statement was a little like suggesting nicotine should be available in inhalable form…because smokers like inhaling (aren’t they called…
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Send a rat?

Charitable giving to developing countries has shown a new trend in recent years with ‘send a cow’, and ‘send a goat’- schemes supporting the supply of said livestock to farmers in Africa. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the latest is- ‘send a rat’. A rat? However for reducing food insecurity farming-rats and…
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Chikungunya virus – hard to pronounce but becoming easier to catch.

Hundreds of tourists from South and South East Asia have been going home to the US, and Europe with Chikungunya virus. Quiescent for many years this mosquito-borne virus has reemerged in the last 2 years in India, South East Asia and Indian Ocean Islands. In the island of Réunion, the main industry, tourism has been…
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Heavy Metal

The case of the alleged poisoning of former Russian spy, Alexander Litvinenko is certainly gathering its share of UK media attention. Mr Litvinenko’s doctors are now reporting that the heavy metal thallium may not be the cause of his condition as was initially suspected. Still, if this news item has piqued your interest in the…
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