Alcohol and sport: “drinking culture” affects youth health

Witnessing "beer towers" at the recent test match between England and Sri Lanka [Lords cricket ground} and thus the drinking culture amongst young sports fans, prompted my investigation of the health facts behind binge drinking and the misuse of alcohol by youing adults. Binge drinking is linked to increased injuries & accidents, violence, and now research evidence is accumulating for long-term effects : detrimental brain changes, and increased risk of depression and diabetes.
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Recent developments in the world of biofuels

Opinions on the use of crops for biofuel and bioenergy continue to be polarized – are they a ‘good thing’ or not? When are they a ‘good thing’? Who benefits? How do you measure the impacts and their interactions at a local, national and international level on food security, land resources, water, greenhouse gas emissions,…
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How will climate change affect plant health?

As weather patterns shift around the world due to changing climates, so this brings new challenges to crop protection. Pests and diseases can become a problem in new areas, or appear earlier, making it necessary to change crop protection practices. Conversely, some pests and diseases may become less of a problem as conditions become less…
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