Alcohol and sport: “drinking culture” affects youth health

Witnessing "beer towers" at the recent test match between England and Sri Lanka [Lords cricket ground} and thus the drinking culture amongst young sports fans, prompted my investigation of the health facts behind binge drinking and the misuse of alcohol by youing adults. Binge drinking is linked to increased injuries & accidents, violence, and now research evidence is accumulating for long-term effects : detrimental brain changes, and increased risk of depression and diabetes.
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Not much fun being Roma

   copyright: Adam Jones PhD It's always struck me as ironic that a number of Hollywood film stars are happy to be credited with being 1/4  (1/8, 1/16th…) Native American but its not so positive to be more full-blooded Native American,  in terms of your social status, health or life opportunities in the US. And…
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Two pints of lager and a tin of sardines

Here’s one for the pub this weekend: omega-3 fortified Bacardi Breezers, or maybe a Tropical Reef with the rest of the aquarium thrown in? Make mine an old-fashioned snowball made with omega-3 fortified eggs
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