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Now freely available on the website, the Common Framework on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems produced by the Tropical Agriculture Platform.

TAP is a coalition of more than 40 partners, initiated by the G20 in 2012. Its main focus is the development of national capacities for agricultural innovation. By helping to bridge the capacity gap, TAP aims to pave the way for agricultural innovations that meet the demands of smallholder farmers, small and medium-sized agribusinesses and consumers.

Most developing countries are located in the tropics, where food security challenges are exacerbated by a changing climate, low levels of agricultural investment and incoherent policy making. With the number of undernourished in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean at 805 million in 2016 there is an urgent need to develop agricultural policies with the necessary know-how and resources to feed people and improve livelihoods in the tropics.

The TAP Common Framework was developed in 2015 through a highly participatory process, incorporating inputs from a wide range of experts chosen from donors, research, extension and education institutions as well as international organisations involved in the field of agricultural innovation. CABI has been actively involved in developing the three volumes to which the organisation and other development organisations adhere.

The three Common Framework volumes communicate the goal for identifying and addressing key capacity gaps within the tropical climate zone. The volumes propose a practical approach to capacity development for agricultural innovation by building on existing strategies.

Target audiences for the Framework volumes include: development practitioners, donors, professionals in agricultural research, education and extension institutions as well as civil society actors, farmer’s organisations and key regional and international fora, networks and agencies, and more widely those interested in developing capacities for agricultural innovation.

After being approved by TAP partners in January 2016, the Framework is now applied in eight pilot countries (Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos and Rwanda) through the EU-funded project on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (CDAIS) and in El Salvador through a new Italian funded project.

The Common Framework is also available in an interactive format on TAPipedia, the information sharing system that has been developed under TAP to enhance knowledge exchange.

For more information and to download the Common Framework volumes, click here.

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