Soil Health – applications and opportunities for climate-smart farming, food security and environmental integrity
Poor soil fertility is a key constraint to improving farm productivity and farmer livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa as it is elsewhere in the world. CABI has a long history of helping to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through better access to practical information about integrated soil fertility management as part of the Africa Soil…
Soybean farmers in Nigeria embrace new production technologies
By Solomon Duah, Communications Specialist, CABI Ghana There is a growing interest and enthusiasm in the production of soybean among farmers in selected states in Nigeria as new yield-enhancing and soil fertility-improving technologies are being introduced to them through an integrated farmer education campaign.
World Soil Day 2017 – “Caring for the Planet from the Ground”
[Image credit: FAO] “Caring for the Planet from the Ground” is the theme of this year’s World Soil Day (#worldsoilday). World Soil Day (WSD) is an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness of the critical importance of healthy soils and advocating for the sustainable management of global soil resources. In June 2013, the…
Nuclear and isotopic techniques help the fight against land degradation
Land degradation is the result of a number of largely human-induced factors, such as poor soil and water management practices, deforestation, overgrazing, improper crop rotation and unsustainable land use. In turn, these can significantly affect soil fertility, resulting in diminished crop yields and food insecurity. Traditional methods of modelling and monitoring soil erosion usually require…