Arab world holds first public health conference

CABI is attending the First Arab World Congress on Public Health this week. Opening in Dubai tomorrow, the conference will be a forum for leaders in public health to exchange knowledge and develop best practice in the region. Speakers from Europe, the USA and Australia, will also bring an international perspective to the public health…
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Mystery disease in Ethiopia solved: linked to weed toxin

Imagine this… A mysterious disease terrorising your community, not infectious but spreading nonetheless, and killing your relatives and neighbours. All you want to do is pack your bags and flee. Worse, when your plight comes to the attention of the health authorities, they are stumped and its not going to be easy or quick to…
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From abstract to full text

Most people searching an abstracts database want to be able to click straight through to the full text of a relevant or interesting abstract. Full text availability is one of the real added value features of CAB Abstracts and the Global Health database, but where and how to find the full text can still be…
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NICE people lend a helping hand

“Nice” is not a word often used in scientific research and when it appears in the UK media, it’s now associated with NICE, National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence. More often than not this government organisation makes headlines with bad news: the press reports quickly when a drug is not approved for general use…
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Helping yourself (

In 2004,  a couple of years  after I started work for CABI, I heard a talk by Paul Chinnock, then part of the Cochrane Collaboration, (conduct systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare) and now editor of Essentially this talk outlined the need for evidence-based interventions for developing countries:  amongst other suggestions, it called…
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