Designers help people to see and medicine to hitch a ride with cola

“Designs of the Year” include two to improve the health of people in developing countries. A pair of spectacles has lenses filled with liquid silicon via mini-syringes hidden in the arms. The wearer simply adjusts a dial to fill the lens (so changing its shape) until the world comes into focus. With optometrists in short supply in these countries, these spectacles eliminate expert fitting and 1 billion people could finally see for the first time. Another design enables lifesaving oral rehydration salts to reach children with diarrhea by hitching a lift in a crate of cola!
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If I get sick, will she know what to do?

Copyright: John & Penny Hubley   This blog is contributed by Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Coordinator of HIFA2015 , the global campaign and email forum focussed on informed healthcare provision in developing countries. We in richer countries take for granted that our healthcare providers have access to the information they need to make informed decisions... Every…
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