Six steps to implementing FAIR and responsible data practices

Two farmers look at data on a tablet.
The FAIR Process Framework was developed by CABI and commissioned by the Gates Foundation to guide organizations toward effective data management. Boma Beddie-Memberr, Project Manager, Data Policy & Practice at CABI, outlines the six steps to implementing FAIR and responsible data. The FAIR Process Framework is a structured six-step approach designed to promote the adoption…
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Unpacking FAIR’s jargon: The Indian example

Ameen Jauhar, Data Governance Lead in CABI’s Digital Development team, examines the importance of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles. Drawing from his experience in data governance and policy, including his work in the data and AI policy sector in India, Ameen explores nuances between global and local data governance jargon and…
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Webinar series investigates greater use of biopesticides to combat crop pests and diseases in Caribbean

Daniel Elger, CABI's CEO, visits a mobile plant clinic in Jamaica
CABI has facilitated a webinar series which investigated the prospect for greater utilization of biopesticides for combating potentially devastating crop pests and diseases affecting livelihoods and food security in the Caribbean. The webinars followed a visit to Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago last year by Dr Daniel Elger, CABI CEO, to strengthen strategic partnerships.…
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On Earth Day, we take a look at climate change and agriculture

Climate change poses a threat to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, exacerbating existing risks like extreme weather and the migration of crop pests and diseases that threaten food security. Already, the climate crisis is accelerating biodiversity loss and the spread of invasive species, which cost Africa’s agricultural sector billions annually. Taken together, this can jeopardize…
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Data sharing initiatives promoted by CABI with partners in Ethiopia

A view of participants during a workshop in Ethiopia on raising awareness on data sharing initiatives in Ethiopia
A CABI team have highlighted their work on enabling FAIR and responsible data practices at a workshop in Ethiopia. The workshop focused on raising awareness on the recently adopted data sharing initiatives Soil and Agronomy Data Sharing (SADS) directive and the National Soil Information System (NSIS). 
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World Food Day: How can data science and modelling help smallholders adapt to climate change?

Data science and modelling are relatively new concepts when it comes to farming. For centuries, smallholders have carefully passed down agricultural skills from generation to generation. They depended on this knowledge. And stable seasons and weather meant this information remained relevant for years. 
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CABI podcast

Welcome to the CABI podcast, a series dedicated to agricultural science and how it can improve lives and address the challenges faced by people around the world.
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Improving access to legume technologies in Ghana

In Ghana, legumes offer an important food staple and commercial crop for smallholder farmers, with legume value chains making a significant impact on food security and household incomes. However, production of legumes, such as soybean, are on the decline in the sub-Saharan Africa. This can be attributed to a number of factors, but chief among…
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CABI works with AIRCA to support UN Food Systems Summit

On September 23 2021, the United Nations will host a Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) as part of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The Summit will launch new initiatives to deliver progress on all 17 SDGs, each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable and…
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New podcast series highlights CABI’s work on tackling invasives

The first of a new four-part CABI Podcast mini-series, which interviews CABI experts on the threats posed by four different invasive species, has been released. The first episode, on desert locusts, will be followed on a weekly basis by episodes on fall armyworm, Himalayan balsam, and toadflax.
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