Unpacking FAIR’s jargon: The Indian example

Ameen Jauhar, Data Governance Lead in CABI’s Digital Development team, examines the importance of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles. Drawing from his experience in data governance and policy, including his work in the data and AI policy sector in India, Ameen explores nuances between global and local data governance jargon and…
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Data sharing initiatives promoted by CABI with partners in Ethiopia

A view of participants during a workshop in Ethiopia on raising awareness on data sharing initiatives in Ethiopia
A CABI team have highlighted their work on enabling FAIR and responsible data practices at a workshop in Ethiopia. The workshop focused on raising awareness on the recently adopted data sharing initiatives Soil and Agronomy Data Sharing (SADS) directive and the National Soil Information System (NSIS). 
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