GarethDr Gareth Richards

Editor, CABI Compendium Program

been an Editor in CABI’s Compendium Programme for the past seven years. With a
degree in zoology and following up on my interests in fish (aquarium, sports,
and I like eating them too), I completed my PhD (at Liverpool University, UK) on Gyrodactylus spp. parasites of poeciliid
fishes in 1995.

I started work at CABI the following year where my earlier
experience was as a Scientific Information Officer (Animal Health). I then
joined the product development team for the Animal Health and Production
Compendium (AHPC), and now have responsibility for its ongoing updating and
improvement. Since August 2006, I have also been responsible for the updating
of the Aquaculture
Compendium, first published earlier that year. It’s a real privilege and a
pleasure to have an association with these great products that help deliver
knowledge to where it really matters and to work with so many experts from
around the world who contribute content or advice.
