If so, the recent announcement from BPR3 (Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting) might be of interest to you and potentially increase the readership of your blog.

Over the past couple of months there has been a contest to design an icon to identify blog articles that were based on, or were a review of scientific (peer-reviewed) literature. For background information click here.

Dave Munger, one of the team behind the BPR3 movement wrote, “We’re pleased to announce that BPR3’s Blogging on Peer Reviewed Research icons are now ready to go! Anyone can use these icons to show when they’re making a serious post about peer-reviewed research, rather than just linking to a news article or press release.”

So here are the winning icons, designed by Uriel Klieger.


The icons are therefore designed to quickly identify blog articles that are based/reporting on peer-reviewed research papers and reports. For detailed guidelines on appropriate use of the icon then click here. You can get hold of the html coding for the icon and tips on quoting reference DOIs here 

Within a couple of months, BPR3 hope to have an aggregation site of all the uses of the icon. Readers will then be able to either subscribe to the RSS feed or visit the site directly to see what research reporting has been occurring. Also, this icon could potentially play an important role in improving the standards of research reporting. 

Finally, apart from the prestige of being the winning designer, Uriel is the lucky winner of numerous prizes including a personal subscription to CAB Abstracts. So, from me and on behalf of my colleagues at CABI, we wish to congratulate Uriel on the fantastic design that he produced and taking onboard the final tweaks – well done.

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